Hello and welcome to my junk drawer of uplifting reminders, inspiration that fuels our inner fire, thought provoking ideas, random ramblings, and all things coffee….and maybe some crafts, because who doesn’t like repurposing, and DIYs, and chippy wood, and fabric, and glitter…. well, you get it.

There are countless things in life that get in the way of our peace, health, and all too often our faith. We all have them…demands at work, busy schedules, all of the have-to’s. Throw in some upsets such as divorce or death, health concerns, worry, or problems that we have yet to solve, and life can pretty quickly take it’s toll.

If at the end of your day you are exhausted or unsure of yourself or feel stuck, you are not alone. I have spent my days thus far tending to the needs of others. I have, more often than not, been at the bottom of my list of priorities. I think that’s normal for mothers. And while I’d never complain about the sacrifices made in the name of parenting, being a single mom can really take it out of me. As I’ve advanced in my years, I have come to realize that behind God, commitment to self must be my #1 priority.

So as cliché as it is, life is short, too short. It can be quite a journey {beautiful, surprising, challenging, and unfortunately heart-wrenching at times} . Be sure to tend to yourself along the way ~ your Mind Body and Soul & drink the Coffee.

divider line with diamonds

Take your blank page today; write yourself into a new story

coffee cup and typewriter with blank page